Pearl Chrysler Jeep Dodge and Ram

Nov 2, 2022

Car maintenance can seem overwhelming with a busy schedule, but don’t worry—we’re here to help. Here are five maintenance tips from your Chrysler dealer that will save you money and help keep your vehicle running smoothly for years to come.

Change the Oil and Filter

When you change your oil and filter, you’re also helping to preserve the engine. Oil lubricates the internal components of your car and allows them to move smoothly, reducing wear and tear. The oil filter removes dirt and other contaminants from the oil. Dirt will corrode an engine over time, and the resulting sludge will significantly reduce engine life.

If you don’t maintain your car properly, it won’t run as well and will cost you more in the long run. Changing the oil is one of the most important and easiest things you can do for your car.

Check Your Tires Regularly

The condition of your tires is vital for safety and fuel efficiency. Tires with low tread can cause you to lose traction when driving in wet weather or on gravel roads,  and an increased risk of accidents. They also have less shock absorption ability, which means they wear out faster than properly maintained tires.

Check Your Car Battery

The battery is one of the most important parts of your car. It provides the spark that starts your vehicle, and without it, you won’t be able to get going. A bad battery can cause many problems, so it’s a good idea to have yours checked regularly.

A new car battery can last for about five years, but over time, it will lose its capacity. If you notice that your car isn’t starting as easily or takes longer than usual, it’s probably time to check your battery. Also, check the terminals for corrosion. If you notice the battery is corroded or misshapen, then it probably needs to be cleaned or replaced.

Get a Brake Inspection

You might be surprised to learn that many brake problems can be prevented with regular maintenance. When you bring your vehicle in for a brake inspection, we’ll check to see if everything is working properly. If there are any problems, we’ll find them and fix them before they get worse.

If you’ve been driving around with squeaky brakes and they are getting worse, don’t ignore them! The sooner you get them checked out, the less likely it is that you’ll have to replace them. And that means you can save yourself a bundle of money by avoiding a hefty repair bill down the line.

To keep your car running smoothly, check your owner’s manual for your car’s maintenance schedule. With the proper maintenance, you can keep your vehicle running safely and efficiently for years to come. Call Pearl Chrysler Jeep Dodge and Ram and schedule an inspection or service appointment today!